Key Responsibilities:Write effective, scalable code. Develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance.Integrate user-facing elements into applications. Test and debug programs.Improve functionality of existing systems. Implement security and data protection solutions.Assess and prioritize feature requests.Coordinate with internal teams to understand user requirements and provide technical solutions.Expertise in at least one popular Python framework (like Django, Flask or Pyramid)Knowledge of object-relational mapping (ORM)Familiarity with front-end technologies (like JavaScript and HTML5)
Our Referral Bonus: Do you know someone who can benefit from our services? Let us help them find the right job or right candidate and you will earn at least $500.
--Getting Older and Wiser: Precision Technologies has been solving IT challenges and fulfilling “American Dreams” for 10 years. Are you ready for us to help you over the next 10 years?
Mahesh KyadariLead - Talent AcquisitionPrecision Technologies Corp.T-732-419-8767 x 7081100 Cornwall Road, #134, Monmouth Junction,