Only W2 or 1099 candidates
Looking for strong .Net developers (lead level) with at least 12+ yrs. of experience designing and developing web application and services in a large enterprise setting.
Required Skills:Microsoft .Net FrameworkMicrosoft .Net CoreSolid Understanding of Object Oriented Design Principles and PatternsConcepts like Inheritance, Abstration, PolymorphismSOLID principlesPatterns like Factory, Adapter, Singleton, etc.DI and containersAsp.NetWebAPI / Rest APIMVC5HTML5Angular 12+TypeScriptNode JSFamiliarity with cloudExperience with CI/CDUnit TestingLatest C# conceptsStrong problem solving and communication skills
Desired Skills:Micro Front Ends (MFE) architectureKnowledge of blue-green deployment modelTest Driven DevelopmentFamiliairity with SOAP servicesFamiliarity with NoSQL (ex: Mongo, Cosmos) DBFamiliarity with Event Driven Architectures using Rabbit MQ or similar frameworks