Dear Professional,Signitives IT Solutions Pvt Ltd is Looking for Python Data Science Experienced Developers. Its a Full Time Remote Opportunity
Job Title: Python / Data Scientist Mandatory Skills: Proficient in Python programming language.Expertise in Time Series algorithms for analyzing temporal data.Strong understanding and application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.Experience with Clustering techniques for pattern recognition and grouping.Familiarity with Classification methods for predictive modeling.Knowledge and proficiency in Regression analysis for understanding relationships within datasets.Other Skills: Deep Learning expertise for advanced data modeling and pattern recognition.Proficient in SQL for efficient data extraction and manipulation.Strong background in Data Analytics to derive actionable insights from complex datasets.Experience in Data Visualization to communicate findings effectively.Responsibilities: Develop and implement predictive models using Time Series algorithms for forecasting trends.Apply NLP techniques to extract meaningful insights from unstructured text data.Utilize Clustering methods to identify patterns and segment data for analysis.Implement Classification algorithms for building predictive models.Employ Regression analysis to understand relationships and make data-driven decisions.Utilize Deep Learning techniques for complex and advanced data modeling tasks.Effectively query and manipulate data using SQL for analysis purposes.Conduct thorough Data Analytics to uncover hidden patterns and trends.Create compelling Data Visualizations to present insights to stakeholders. Work from Home. Python should be excellent, programming skills must be good4+ yearsConfident, someone who can research / google and learn new things and work Text analysisNLPTime SeriesDeep LearningML Algos / Algorithm Thanks and Regards
SuchitraTeam Lead | Signitives