We are looking for two Big Data Developers to join our cleint's team on a fully remote basis. You will be part of an international team working on various big data technology solutions for their growing list of global customers. Their main offices are located in Stuttgart, Germany but they are open to receive international applications. Given the international nature of their team and client base, fluency in English is required. Proficiency in other languages will be highly valued.
You will be responsible for the analysis and feasibility study of customers’ requirements, as well as the identification of the best solutions to their needs, Hadoop development and implementation, developing data ingestion pipelines, loading and pre-processing data sets, designing and creating data models, performing Unit and Integration testing, script automation, app development.
Desired skills and experience include at least three years of the following:
SqoopHivePigPythonNiFiKafkaHbaseAutoSysAWSMachine LearningCoDeep Neural NetworksCCA SparkHDFSYARNJenkinsBambooMongoDBMaria DBZooKeeper