About us:Fact Finders Pro is a platform dedicated to combating disinformation in order to promote informed, responsible decision-making. Our product is designed to provide users with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate a sea of information without being misled or manipulated. We're committed to safeguarding the integrity of information channels and promoting transparency and empowerment for all.
Responsibilities:Collaborate with product managers and designers to understand project requirements.Develop and maintain web applications using modern technologies.Implement responsive and user-friendly interfaces.Write clean, efficient, and well-documented code.Conduct code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members.Stay updated on emerging technologies and best practices in web development.
At least 2 years of experience building end-to-end full-stack applications and APIsBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role.Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js).Strong understanding of back-end technologies like Python.Experience with database systems (SQL, NoSQL).Experience with cloud-native infrastructures in AWS, GCP, or Azure.Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced and collaborative environment