Title: MS Dynamics DeveloperLocation: REMOTEType: Full Time Responsibilities • Develop, test, and deploy enhancements to existing code to improve and/or maintain Dynamics 365 • Configure Omnichannel flows and experiences for Chat, SMS, Voice, and more • Work with business users to identify needs and apply or propose appropriate technical solutions using Microsoft Dynamics 365 • Create, implement, and maintain technical documentation for Dynamics 365 • Diagnose and triage technical errors, data issues, and performance challenges • Proactively provide feedback throughout the Agile journey, seeking for continuous process improvement Skills Required:C#, JavaScript, Azure Cloud logic apps, web apps Skills Preferred:Microsoft PVA or CoPilot exerience. Experience Required:2+ years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Customer Service Workspace) Experience Preferred:Experience with Microsoft Omnichannel for Customer Service Experience with Power Apps, Canvas Apps, and Microsoft Azure