We are a Chinese database technology company that has revolutionized traditional database architecture. We have achieved a three-tier decoupling, combining computation, memory, and storage for a more flexible resource adjustment compared to the traditional two-tier decoupling. Introducing the concept of data substrate, we abstract common functionalities and establish standardized APIs to create a unified foundation for databases with different features. While maintaining performance, our Data Substrate architecture standardizes basic database functions, allowing for rapid assembly of modular components to build a flexible database tailored to diverse scenarios and applications, meeting the complex data needs of users.
We are currently planning to promote our product in the United States and are seeking a responsible individual with experience in promoting and selling database or system software in the U.S.
We prefer candidates with a background in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), specifically those who have previously been involved in customer promotion within the fields of databases, IT technology, operating systems, or system software.
The candidate should be able to adapt to time zone differences and remote work, demonstrating flexibility in communication within diverse cultural teams.
Excellent English communication skills, strong writing abilities, and a certain level of existing customer resources are desired qualifications.
Possesses an entrepreneurial spirit.